Nobody told me I had to be a teacher

A Tech Lead has to be a teacher? Why didn’t someone tell me?

We have this C# method. It used to be good. Small. 25 lines or less. All at one abstraction level. See Bob Martin.

One of the kids, from offshore as it happens, had a bright idea. Next morning I wake up to find that the method is now a 100 lines.

I want to tell the kids. The method is too large. No method should be more than 25 lines. And they will chop it down pronto. They are good kids. But. There is no telling how they will chop it down. If they know how to tell a story in simple, clear steps, I have not seen evidence of it yet. They can’t seem to find the shortest, most direct route, between A and B.

Ask them how to go from D.C. to Baltimore.

They will come up with this. I-495 from National Airport to I-270 and Frederick. Then take I-70 to Breezewood. Break East on the PA turnpike to Harrisburg. Finally, come down I-83 to Baltimore.

That was fun. We got to write a lot of code. Oh what a lovely route it was.

They won’t stop, look around, and find 295, the Baltimore Washington Parkway, a straight shot between the hearts of D.C and Baltimore.

So I have to teach them how to chop the method down. But there is a problem. I know how to do the work. I don’t know how to teach it to another person.

I can say, make sure all of the code is at a single level of abstraction. They have no idea what I am saying. I don’t blame them. What does the word ‘abstraction’ even mean? I don’t know how to describe it man, I just know it when I see it. You know the button that starts your car. That’s an abstraction. You know what I mean? You don’t? Well, bloody hell.

So now on to Plan C. I redo the method myself. You know, I give them advice, and an example. Guess what happens. Nothing. Two days later the silly drama repeats itself.

It turns out, they could not care less about Clean Code. They know the programming language. They know some libraries. They are decent at problem solving. They get a kick out of flipping switches and seeing results. They are having fun. They feel no inclination to examine what they are doing. Stop, step back, dig deep, see under the surface, unlearn old habits, cultivate new habits. Further, after a couple of Sprints, they also learn that I will clean up the code myself.

It took me a long time to understand how to write Clean Code. It took me much practice to do it instinctively. Do you know how much I rewrite? How am I going to get the kids to adopt a regimen of study and practice? How am I going to get them to show interest and sustain it? How am I going to get them to care?

I am only a working engineer. You are asking me to not only teach, but also to motivate.

All of this, I have to do while a project is going on; under the gun, to deliver something.

It is not going to happen.

You are not going to get Clean Code.

Unless. You hire the right people.